Blog 3: The Cringe

Looking back in my life I feel like I've had several events where I've felt a lot of cringe, but for some reason when I'm asked about these moments I never remember. 

The first memory that I feel super embarrassed about happened when I was 4 or 5 years old. In those remote times I had aspirations of being a famous singer and my biggest idol was Hannah Montana, so I always practiced her songs feeling like a goddess of Olympus. One day after much practice, I decided to show this talent to my dad and his wife by singing a Hannah Montana song. At that moment I felt fabulous singing and my dad reacted by asking his wife, "Did you turn on the radio, because I thought I heard a professional singer?", that question only made me more confident in my future career as an artist. However, looking back I remember that I never sang well or had a good command of English, so I think my performance may not have been as good as my dad claimed and that he may have made a white lie to make me feel like a superstar.  

Now remembering that situation makes me very ashamed, but at the same time I feel that I was a very cool girl for daring to sing and do what I liked no matter if I did it well or not, so I don't regret anything!

Picture of Hannah Montana🌟.


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